Just a note to share fond memories of the band. My father was head of security at the old Treehouse in Charlotte in the early to mid 70's. He used to come home and tell me about the great bunch of guys that was playing regularly at the club - I was only 12-13 at the time. He brought me a shirt one time that said simply - "NANTUCKET A Damn Good Band". WOW - 13 years old and my dad gave me a shirt with "damn" in it. How cool is that!?! Anyway - for my dad to talk about a bunch of rock musicians as great guys was transforming enough. He was SO conservative and NOT the rock type! I remember buying their first LP and playing Heartbreaker until the record was worn out.
Then when I was attending UNCC I worked at a club called Dixie Electric Company. We had many bands come through - but, Nantucket drew the biggest crowds - and deservedly so. Mike, Larry, Kenny, Tommy, Mark and Eddie always made time to stick around and have a beer or 10 with us. Best small venue shows I have seen to date! They never forgot where they came from and were always loyal to their fans. They even played a couple of shows at the old Chi Phi house for us on campus. (This does not even mention the shows I saw in Myrtle Beach!)
I remember a party in Gastonia, NC in the late 70's when Eddie Blair came by (he had a lot of friends in the area). Here I was 15-16 and hanging with my buds and Eddie comes in and the place was electric. Heady times for a teenager!
I never understood how a band with so much talent and potential never made it as major act! They are still my link to rock in my formative years. I have all their LPs and now have had the pleasure to purchase the first 3 on CD. My friends that know about their music still love putting on the CD's at parties and Carolina Panther tailgates!! It takes us all back to a time that we love. Thank you for the memories - alas, my father died this past year and this is still one of the strongest/fondest memories I have of our relationship. It was the point in my life that we finally connected. In some way he was telling me it was OK to ROCK!
Love you guys - hope you play some gigs around Charlotte soon. KEEP ROCKIN'!!!!
Darren Bolick
Gastonia, NC
Great job! It's about time someone gave Nantucket their due on the web.
I met Tommy and Kenny in August 1977 when I rented an apartment on Buck Jones Rd. in Raleigh (almost Cary!). I was a freshman at NCSU and Nantucket had just signed with Epic records. Even tho' these guys had just been backed with more $$$ than Epic put behind Boston, they were the nicest guys I met in my brief stint at NCSU (wasn't meant to be a rocket scientist!) They always had time to stop and chat or give me a ride if my MG crapped out (which happened ALOT!!) It was life changing times...Elvis died in August then Skynyrd's plane crashed in October. I remember Tommy being hit hard by both (He had met Ronnie VanZant) It was really cool to hang out with them when they were in town. I was there when Tommy got his 1st Gibson Les Paul complete with my 1st introduction to Tommy's favorite Uncle Jack (Daniels)!! I was also hanging with Tommy when he pulled out a shoebox full of motel keys from all over the US (complete with a story to go with each key!!) In the bottom of the shoebox was some change which changed Tommy's ever- creative mind from hanging motel keys on his guitar to placing pennies all over the front. The next time I saw them live He had got shiny new pennies and created the infamous "Penny Guitar". Thanx to whoever sent in the pix of that...Can't believe he's still got it! I got a chance to see them open for alot of big names and solo gigs in the late 70's and early 80's,,,saw them in Orlando after I moved to Tampa. They opened for Bob Seger,Molly Hatchet and The Rockets at the Tangerine Bowl (now the Citrus Bowl) It was a record crowd of 95,000 people (remember "festival seating"?) I still got close enough that Tommy saw me from the stage!! Pee Wee had just joined them and they rocked the place!! Then they headed to Miami to record "Long Way to the Top". The next time I saw them was at University of Tampa and Kenny let me hear a demo tape that was the start of PKM. Personally I dont't think Nantucket was ever quite the same. Kenny and Pee-Wee left a big hole. I'll never forget their drum solo/bass solo turned duet at UT.AWESOME! Glad to hear Tommy and Kenny are both still active in the music biz. They're both awesome musicians (even if they were kind of an "odd couple" as roommates!!Ha!) Last time I saw Kenny was with Dag. They opened a cool club in Ybor City (Tampa's Bourbob St.) and they also played at Gasparilla Tampa's celebration of pirates raping and pilledging (sic) Great Funk action!! Got a great write up in the Tampa Tribune.
Well enough babbling!!! Great to have a place to gab about this stuff! Really takes me back! As do the first 3 albums on CD! THANK YOU Wounded Bird Records!
If you see Tommy or Kenny tell 'em Bob Jolly ("Boboon of Lillington") said "Hi".
Nantucket ROCKS Forever!!
A True Fan!
With all the attention on President Reagan this week, I recalled a concert w/Nantucket opening for Cheap Trick in Fairmont, WV in 1980 or 1981. I was only about 13 when I saw that show, it was my very first concert & I was front row...I was pretty overwhelmed.
The lyrics to one song went something like,
"Now listen to us Tehran
You don't **** with Ronald Reagan!!
You screwed w/Jimmy Carter but you won't **** w/Ronald Reagan!"
Was I hallucinating, or does Nantucket actually have a song including similar lyrics?
Please advise, if possible
I spent a lot of time in the bars near Camp Lejuene and loved to go and see Nantucket when they were in the area. I hope the rest of your collection comes out on CD. My old tapes and vinyl are getting worn.
Hey guys, Nantucket makes the Village Voice! For better or worse.......!
Read Article Here CAUTION: Strong language!
Kenny Soule
I am Shane Dunlap and just met Kenny Soule on a Blues Cruise playing for Mary McBride. It was extremely nice to speak with Kenny about his days with Nantucket and PKM-as he was gracious and full of info. He also plays a mean kit. Hope to see him again soon and see him play.
Respectfully, Shane
This is a long overdue site! I've been a fan for a long time! Thanks!
Please add me to your mailing list. Nantucket is one of the greatest bands that I have ever seen. I saw this band at Carowinds right after they released there first album. They were great. I have their first 4 albums. I have tried to find their last 3 albums. But everyone I talk to said there were out of print. Could you tell me why this great music would be out of print. Please help me find these albums.
Todd Bridgeman
# 1 Nantucket Fan in the Carolinas
I've been a huge Nantucket fan since I was about 8 years old. I love this site!!!!!!!!!!!! ROCK ON!
Lee Norfleet
If ANYONE has any recent pics of the band (NANTUCKET) please send to the web site...and I sure hope some of the band sends in some BIO info!! We all would sure love to hear (from them)!
Thanks for a great site. There are Nantucket fans in Kansas City too and we're glad a site finally exists.
Jack Vogel
I think the website is great! It really touches me to see all these people write in and talk about the band. I do plan to send in a bio as soon as I can get around to writing one up.
Eddie Blair
Thanks for all the information on the web site and the PKM link. I grew up in Raleigh graduated from ENLOE in 81, Saw both bands tons of times at the Switch and any other place that I could. To this day they are still two of my favorite bands, I left Raleigh in 84 for the USAF and still come home often. Raleigh rocked back then and I will never forget all the great times I had growing up there and listening to the bands and all the great people at the Switch.
Please add me to your Nantucket mailing list - about time there was a great site for this great band.
Stephen B Allen
I saw these guys at 6 Flags
Over Mid America of all places around 1980 and they were awesome. On Quite
Like You I believe he played the guitar with a spoon.
They have KSHE classics which is the best radio station in St. Louis. They
can still be heard on commercial radio here on the Classics show. They are
Heartbreaker, California and Quite Like You.
I would really like to get their first album again as mine was lost over the
years. Any one able to copy it onto cassette or CD for me?
Hi, My name is John Lanier. I am a cousin of Larry and Mike Uzzell. I went through high school listening to them and going to a concert here and there. They were and still are a great rock and roll band. I really wish they could make a come back like Aerosmith.
I am really glad to see that someone finally made a website dedicated to Nantucket. It's a shame it hadn't been done earlier. I am attaching some pictures I came across, that I made of the band back in the early 80's and I also got you scan of the Nantucket V album cover. Hope this will help you out with your website. It looks great. I have an idea for you also. It might be cool at some point to put up a page with the lyrics to the songs. I am sure they would not be hard to come by, especially since you have Kenny Soule in your corner. Anyway, enjoy and I will definitely be checking back to watch your progress. Put me on your mailing list also.
John Lanier
Please add me to the greatest band of all time's mailing list. I've been a huge fan since 1977. Thank's for the great web site!
Paul Hackney
Well, well.....where to begin. I've known the band since 1985 when I was in college. So many stories to tell it would take years (and the guys would probably shoot me for telling most of them). Suffice it to say that we had a lot of fun out on the road. In answer to the post I read earlier, yes the guys do still live in Raleigh, each doing their own things. I don't see them often anymore other than the occassional reunion show or get together, but I still love you guys with all my heart. I wouldn't take a billion dollars in exchange for the memories I have with these guys. For someone who started out as just a fan and ended up being counted a friend, I have to say these guys are the best. Keep rockin guys. You'll always be the best in my book.
Sara Phillips
By the way, if anyone knows where the h*ll Alan Thornton is, tell him "the gang" is looking for him.
If you hear from Ernie, Steve Winstead, or David Heath, say hello for me!
I went way back with all these guys to Nantucket Sleigh Ride and they used to crash at my house. (well, Ernie was with Jesse Bolt then but same goes about crashing here) Steve sunk a loaded truck in my yard in the rain and the hole is still there to this day!!!
What's Larry up to? I assume Mike still has Showtime going or he did last time I talked to him, but it's been a few years.
Carol Shubkin
I just learned about this website from "The Heart Of Rock" site, and boy am I glad to see it! Growing up in Asheville, NC, I had plenty of opportunities to see this band during their heyday of the late 70's, early 80's, and they never gave a bad performance. Whether in a local club or opening for the likes of the Doobie Brothers or Molly Hatchet, they'd always give you your money's worth and give the headliner a run for their money! It's a crying shame none of their albums are available on cd. With all the lost classics of album rock being re-released, somebody ought to wise up and put 'em out!
Sean Brown
I first saw Nantucket open for Kiss in 1977. They blew me away.
David Reid
I was pleasantly surprised to finally find a web site dedicated to one of my favorite bands. I have known the members of Nantucket for what seems like forever. When I met them and first became a fan the song Heartbreaker was Let's Boogie. I probably have some live shots I can scan for your site, but I will have to dig through all my memorabilia from my younger days. For now I have what I consider an interesting story of an early Nantucket excursion:
I think it was my senior year of High school during Easter break. I was in Myrtle Beach with 3 friends. I saw an advertisement for a Nantucket show at Billy the Kids Lounge in a place that I think was Cherry Grove (Several miles North of Myrtle Beach). I ask my friends to go but they decided they wanted to go out with some girls from our home town and they had the transportation. I decided I'd be damned if I am going to do something I could do at home while at the beach, especially when I could go see Nantucket. Just so my state of mind is understood. I had, not long before this trip, seem Nantucket for my first time in a back up role with Wild Cherry (Play that Funky Music White Boy) at Appalachian State University in Boone, NC (my home town). It was a packed gymnasium and I was completely in awe of the band in this major concert atmosphere. Anyway back to the story... I decided to hitch a ride to Cherry Grove for the show. All began well as I got a ride almost immediately. As the ride progressed, things began to go downhill. The gentleman who picked me up turned out to have an attraction to young men. He began to make advances toward me, scaring me out of my wits. When we finally hit a traffic light, I jumped out. After a good run, undaunted, I calmly stuck my thumb out again. Again after a short time I was picked up. This turned out to be a reliable and safe ride to Cherry Grove where I was let out at the first stopping point on the main road. Only problem here was, after asking around, I found I was 3 miles from the club on a seldom traveled road. I began walking, certain a ride would arrive at any time. Some time later, I arrived at the club, tired and sore, having walked the entire way, but determined to have a rock'in night. Visions of beautiful rock and roll girls and a great band were dancing through my head as I paid to get in. Quickly I realized I had better be satisfied with one out of two. The prettiest girl in the place was missing most of her teeth, and was wearing go-go boots to her knees. Everyone else there appeared ready for a George Jones show. I was clad in an Aerosmith Tee shirt and my faded and torn jeans, with hair to my shoulders. Needless to say, I was the only one in the place dressed in this manner and I looked and felt completely out of place. I found a spot off to the corner, in front of the PA stack and proceeded to consume mass quantities of alcohol in quiet anticipation of the show. Finally it began. They sounded great and were as professional as always, but you could see they felt as out of place as I did. Then during the first break, what makes this story special to me happened. Kenny Soule came out from the dressing room and sat down to talk to me. He actually made a point to talk to me, having noticed how uncomfortable I was with the rest of the crowd. Although I shared the story with him some years later, I never told him of the ordeal I had gone through to get there that night. He spent both breaks talking with me and made me feel in a small way, a part of the band for that night. I will never forget that. A couple of years later, I became part of the road crew for another Carolina Band, Sidewinder. During our travels we had several opportunities to either play or party with the Nantucket crowd and I got to know each of them. And in my mind became friends with them. Although much older, married, with 3 children, I still try to get to every reunion show I find out about, but I always arrange my own transportation.
I met the band in a little bar in Groton Connecticut in 1980. I was up there for sub school. One night me and a buddy went to this bar after shopping for my cousin's (I bought them a couple of Hot Wheels). We were in uniform (Didn't have enough sense to change after we left base). We had been there for a little while when this long haired guy walked up to us and asked us if we liked Nantucket. I said yes, that I loved the song "Heartbreaker". We bull.... for a bit when I asked him if he liked Nantucket. He said "I should, I'm the Drummer". (I thought yeah right, I'm the President too.). Later the opening act called him up on the stage to sing to him (They sang "Come Sail Away" by Styx). After they were done, I went up to him and apologized for not believing him. He said "That's alright, I probably wouldn't believe me either. After they were done for the evening, my buddy and I sat there talking with them, while their crew loaded up the equipment. It was a night I will always remember.
From a fan forever; Don King
I am a HUGE Nantucket fan; having gone to college in Raleigh at NCSU in the
early 80s, I must have seen them 20 times or more. I was in Greensboro in
the late 70s when they opened for KISS and then in 1981 when they opened for
ACDC. I went to see Nantucket.
Recently, I wanted to get all of the Nantucket recordings on CD. I could not
find them anywhere but I found a guy in Seattle who had the record albums. I
bought them and had them put on compact disc. They are great!
Scott Pugh, Winston Salem, NC
YEA!! I've been a big fan of Nantucket from the early years. Larry and I have been
friends from back in the day. I'm a singer and from Myrtle Beach, S.C. I now
live in Orlando, Fl. I've been trying for a long time to find these guys! I
was really surprised to find this site! It's about time someone designed a
web site! They still have avid fans out here! Does anyone have any recent
pics of the band? If so I really would appreciate a few. Do the guys still
live in Raleigh? Glad to hear they are still playing reunion shows. Tell
Larry, if you can, Ronnie from Myrtle Beach said HELLO! Sending a pic of me
on stage in my band here in Orlando if Larry sees this! Thanks for giving
their true fans some info!
Thanks, Ronnie Baker, Orlando, Fl.